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Parenting; Caregiving; For Women; Health; Education; 
Party Planning & Special Events; Holidays; Shopping & Gift-Giving; 
At Home; Summer Camp; Family Travel, Finance

Container gardening offers benefits for both novice and experienced gardeners (800 words)

With proper treatment, symptoms can be reduced or eliminated (950 words plus 500-word sidebar)

Improve your bone mass and lower your risk factors for osteoporosis and fractures 
(800 words plus 200-word sidebar)

What to do when your child is the target of a mean kid (1,150 words plus online sidebar)

How to prepare your family and prevent dangerous situations (950 words)


Traditions and Customs From Around the World (1,200 words)

Transform discarded furniture and yard sale finds into new, useful treasures (1,100 words) 

Learn the signs and symptoms of a brain attack (950 words)

Five potential threats to happy holidays for Buddy or Princess. (500 words)

Most health experts consider colorectal cancer highly preventable, pointing to early detection a
nd routine check-ups to save lives. (800 words)

What you need to know about Vitamin D Deficiency (750 words)

   WHAT’S YOUR SPECIALTY? These summer camp articles can run separately or as a three-part series.
--Sports & Outdoors: Discovering athletic interests. Improving individual talents. Fitting in fitness. 
(1,000 words)
--Fine Arts: Uncovering passion for music, dance, drama and art. (800 words)
--Education, Science, Nature & Technology: Advancing academics. Honing learning skills. 
Expanding boundaries. (1,000 words)

The Great Diaper Debate: Cloth or Disposable (900 words)
Facts, data and arguments from both sides of the debate to help parents decide which choice is 
best for their family and lifestyle. Please let me know if you're interested in reviewing it. 

When It’s Time for a Change (900 words) Tips for setting up a convenient diaper changing station at home 

Eating Out with Kids (1,100 words) Five mothers tell how to take stress off the menu when dining with kids 

Picking the Perfect Pet (1,000 words) How to find your family’s Fido, Rocky or Boots

Six Inexpensive and Effective Ways to Conquer Kid Clutter (1,100 words)

Kids in the Garden Unearthing Nature’s Wonders in Your Backyard (1,200 words)

Flying with Kids How to reach your destination without travel tantrums (1,000 words) 

Is Your Teen Ready to Be a Baby Sitter? (700 words + 300 word sidebar)
This article shows parents what to look for before they allow their teen to baby-sit. The sidebar offers advice to beginning baby sitters as well as a resource list.

The Care & Feeding of a Teen-age Babysitter (1,225 words)
Great ideas and tips on where to find trustworthy, qualified teen-age babysitters and how to keep them happy. This article shares all of the things your babysitter wishes you knew.

Your Teen Behind the Wheel (2,000 words including sidebars)
Preparing your teen to drive? There’s no need to panic. This article summarizes what every parent of a l 5-year-old needs to know before their child gets behind the wheel to learn how to drive.

Now’s the Time for Allowance When’s the right time and how much is enough? These questions and more are answered in this short piece. (800 words)

What it Takes to be a Team Mom A humorous salute to the Team Mom and what it’s like to be one. (700 words)

Make Room for Mommy (& Daddy) Careful planning and candid discussions are must-dos before asking ailing parents to move in. (1,100 words)

Hidden Victims Caring for a Parent With Alzheimer's Disease (1,500 words)
This article offers facts, help and real-world advice from those who are struggling with this disease, including Alias star Victor Garber. The article includes several sidebars of information. Photos of Victor Garber and his mother are available.

Aging Parents: Devoted Kids
PART ONE: The Responsibility and Trepidation of Caring for Older Parents (1,350 words)
PART TWO: Mastering the Maze of Housing Choices for Seniors (1,100 words plus 350 word sidebar)
Hospice Care What It Is and What It Isn’t (850 words)

Domestic Violence When Someone You Love is a Victim (2,000 words including sidebars)

Parenting Our Parents A Look Inside the Sandwich Generation (l, 950 words including sidebars and resources)
From Full Time to Flex Time How to negotiate an alternative work arrangement (1,300 words)

More Than Girl Talk The Healing Power of Friendships Between Women (1,200)

Break Your Hurry Habit Strategies to slow down and take time to enjoy life a bit more. (1,400 words)

Ride a Painted Pony The Magic and Mystery of Carousels (1,400 words)

Date Night Don’t Let it be a Thing of the Past (1,200 words)

Just Five Minutes More Quick tips for busy moms on saving time and wise ways to spend the time you’ve saved. (800 words)

Why You Should Try Yoga Lower your stress level and improve your outlook on life by learning to breathe deeply. (950 words) Stand-alone sidebar: Take a Breath (450 words) 

Improve Your Heart Health. Walk the Dog (375 words)

In Pursuit of a Cure Alzheimer’s Disease Researchers Test Promising Treatments & Remedies (850 words)

Keep Your Heart Healthy Ways to manage stress and lower your risk of developing heart disease (500 words)

Meditation is Good for Your Health This article outlines eight benefits of meditation. (900 words)

Give Yourself a Break 18 quick, easy and inexpensive ways to relax and re-energize (450 words)

Meaningful Meditation Lowering Stress and Calming the Spirit Through Stillness (1,400 words)

Queasy Does It The Unavoidable Truth About Morning Sickness (1,400 words)
Also available in an 800 word version.

Brace Your Child For a Winning Smile What You Need to Know Before Your Child Sees an Orthodontist (1,300 words including a sidebar)

Does Your Child Need Glasses? (950 words)

Just Skip It! Jumping Rope is a Great Way to Stay Fit and Have Fun, Too (700 words)

Field Trips to Benefit the Community Too Service-oriented activities offer a win-win for student, teacher and community (950 words)

How do you spell F-I-E-L-D T-R-I-P? Nine tips for encouraging “out-of-the-classroom” learning (1,000 words)

Scholar Athletes Why Sports & Smarts Go Together (1,100 words)

Show Me the Money (for College) Where to Start Your Scholarship Search! (900 words)

College Entrance Exams What Your Teen Can Expect (1,150 words)

School Uniforms Why uniforms can improve the educational experience. (950 words)

School Accreditation: Who Does It and Why Explains accreditation and why some schools seek it. (700 words)

Home Sweet School Home Schooling Increases in Popularity (1,200 words)

Charter Schools How they operate and what some school districts are doing. (1,300 words)

Climb Aboard the Party Express  Easy ways to celebrate rites of passage and birthday milestones. (1,700 words) 

Party at the Park Nine Birthday Themes Perfect for the Outdoors (850 words) 

Celebrating Family Ties Six Simple Steps to a Successful Family Reunion (800 words)

Blow Out the Candles A worldwide look at birthday traditions, customs and celebrations (1,400 words)
Also offered at a shorter (900-word version).

Co-ed Birthday Parties Where the Boys Meet the Girls (1,000 words + sidebar)

20 Tried & True Party Tips Time-tested tips for even the most novice party-planner. (650 words)

Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday No Matter What the Holiday (1,000 words)

Marking Life’s Milestones Card Showers, Presidential Greetings and Other Ways to Celebrate Once-in-a-Lifetime Events (800 words)

It’s In the Bag 10 Fun Party Bags and Favor Ideas (850 words)

Wild Theme Parties (with Party Planning Check List and Hottest Themes side bars) (850 words)

Celebrate That Diploma Planning a Terrific Graduation Party (1,100 words)

When Your Child’s in a Wedding (1,800 words)

Safe After-Proms and Grad Nites What it takes to plan one (1,200 words)

Celebrating with Co-Workers, Friends & Neighbors Great Ways to Enjoy the Holidays (600 words)

Host a Cookie & Ornament Exchange (650 words)

Christmas Traditions from Around the World (1,500 words)

Birthday Candles Burn Just as Bright in December A humorous and helpful look at planning birthday celebrations for family members whose birthday fall at the busiest time of the year.  (650 words)

Fun, Silliness and Folly April Fool’s History, Hoaxes & Pranks (700 words)

Great Gifts for Grandparents & Other Seniors on Your Shopping List (1,000 words)

Great Gifts for Teachers (and Other Special People on Your List) (700 words) 

Great Gifts for Dads And those other special men on your list (800 words)

What Teachers Really Want for the Holidays (750 words).

Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Shopping the Factory Outlets (850 words)

Pillow Talk Pick the perfect pillow for a good night’s sleep. (750 words)

Remote Control on the Go Benefits of remote access to your home security system. (900 words)

Hiring a Contractor? Read This First! (1,400 words including sidebars).

Mirrors, Mirrors on the Wall (1,100 words)

Bring Your Binoculars – Leave the Laptop Five Reasons Why Tech-savvy Kids Need Lo-Tech Summer (950-words) 

Find the Perfect Summer Camp: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3 Ten questions to ask before choosing your child’s summer activity. (1,000 words)

The ABCs of Day Camp 26 points, topics and tips to consider before choosing a summer camp. (1,500 words)

Fostering Happy Campers: The Value of Day Camps (925 words)

Family friendly New Orleans Seven ways to see this historic city (1,100 words)

Palm Springs The Place for a Sun & Fun-filled Family Vacation (900-words) 

Family Fun on Kauai, the Island of Discovery (1,300 words)

Snow Balls, Snowboards and Snow Mobiles Lake Tahoe Offers Lots of Fun for Families (1,600 words)

Cruising – Family-style (1,400)

Escape to Catalina There’s Something for Families and Couples Alike (1,400 words)

Guarding Your Financial Stockpile How to evaluate your investments in challenging economic times. 
(950 words)
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